2 elements found

Submitted by Sergio Arbarviro the 31/10/2018 13:50
The economic model of sports relies mainly on advertising and sponsoring by commercial companies. Sports are thus dominated by the narrow oligarchy of multinational sponsors and advertisers, whose purpose is to leverage the positive image of sport in our societies to sell their products or services. Sport is now a global business - whereas its spirit originally was, and should remain, that of a healthy leisure activity. This domination of sports by the economic interests of advertisers and sp...
Inactive working group with 2 members
[This proposal is still a work in progress. Much more needs to be done, once the working group has reached its quorum] Prevent sports from being taken over by the economic interests of advertsing companies, in a radical way: prohibit advertising during sports events and around the broadcasting of sports events. Thereby, sports would use a much more distributed (and thus more democratic) business model, based upon entry tickets to stadiums, membership fees in associations and pay-per-view broad...
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