6 elements found

Submitted by Sergio Arbarviro the 13/8/2018 13:14
In the current state of the Treaties governing the European Union, the rules on the following fields of social policy are subject to unanimity decision by the Council (representing Member States), with no intervention by the Parliament (TFEU Art.153(2)) : (c) social security and social protection of workers; (d) protection of workers where their employment contract is terminated; (f) representation and collective defence of the interests of workers and employers; (g) conditions of employment...
Submitted by Sergio Arbarviro the 14/1/2017 16:28
The justification of shareholders being the only ones who take decisions in companies is that they are supposed to have contributed most to its existence by providing the necessary capital. However, this only holds true for those who purchased the shares from the company upon its capital increase (on the "primary market"). All the others never brought any capital to the company itself: they just bought their shares from a previous owner, on a second-hand market (the "secondary market" on the S...
Submitted by Sergio Arbarviro the 15/1/2017 16:46
British epidemiologists R. Wilkinson & K. Pickett have demonstrated (see a summary of their work here: https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/spirit-level) that everyone benefits from a more equal society - even the rich! They demonstrate this based on statistical evidence (the correlation between equality and better performance exists), and on biological mechanisms (the causal relationship goes from equality to better quality of life and not the other way round). Life in an INequal society generate...
Submitted by Sergio Arbarviro the 18/12/2016 11:21
Imposing a price to carbon emissions in Europe (in the form of tradeable allowances or of a carbon tax) is detrimental to the external competitiveness of European energy-intensive industries. I propose to set up a border adjustment on the price of carbon: the importer pays the internal tax, the exporter is being refunded.
Inactive working group without members
Imposing a price to carbon emissions in Europe (in the form of tradeable allowances or of a carbon tax) is detrimental to the external competitiveness of European energy-intensive industries. We propose to set up a border adjustment on the price of carbon: the importer pays the internal tax (or purchases emissions allowances), the exporter is being refunded (or sells emissions allowances). The proposed policy is WTO-compatible and relies on well-proven institutions (e.g. VAT) and technologies....
Inactive working group with 1 member
Imposing a price to carbon emissions in Europe (in the form of tradeable allowances or of a carbon tax) is detrimental to the external competitiveness of European energy-intensive industries. We propose to set up a border adjustment on the price of carbon: the importer pays the internal tax (or purchases emissions allowances), the exporter is being refunded (or sells emissions allowances). The proposed policy is WTO-compatible and relies on well-proven institutions (e.g. VAT) and technologies....
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