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"If it's free, you're not the customer, you're the product being sold"
Most business models on the Internet, and in the media industry, are based on a "free" access to the user - while those who actually pay are the companies purchasing advertising space to which the user is exposed.
This dominant business model has a pernicious effect on the role that the press should play in a democracy. Those that actually control the media are not the users, they are the paying customers: the (big and small) corporations. Media become de facto representatives of corporate interests - whatever the political orientation of the journalists, and even of the owner. They do not represent any more the public interest, nor a counter-power to that of the rich and the powerful: they are part of the domination apparatus of this caste.
The only way for media to play their civic role in a democracy is to free them from the dictatorship of the advertising business model. One important step forward would be to develop a system of fast and easy micro-payments on the Internet, to enable page per page payment for online content.

No working group created
No organised event
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