Template of the Public Policy Proposals

How to write the title of your Public Policy Proposal?

A public policy is an action undertaken by a public authority. The title of your Public Policy Proposal should thus include a verb in the active mode, describing the proposed action. It should also expose briefly what effect the action is intented to have: e.g. "Create X to prevent Y" or "Mandate A to increase B".

Why are Public Policy Proposals so strongly structured?

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Please provide systematically hyperlinks or documents to support your claims, so as to enable your readers to verify them.

What is the problem / the issue?

Please explain the nature of the issue to address, of the problem to solve, or the desirable state that you want to achieve.

Why is the problem / the issue important?

Please explain the importance of the issue / problem, or why efforts should be engaged to reach this desired state. Please do this by taking the perspective of the common good. If you promote the interests of a specific social group, please identify this social group explicitly.

What are the existing public policies on the issue?

Please explain what public policies have already been undertaken to address this issue / to solve the problem / to reach the goal. Please specify when these policies were undertaken, and by what public authority. Please indicate what effect (or absence / insufficiency of effect) these policies had, and what you know of the reasons for this effect (or absence / insufficiency of effect). If they have already had some effect, please explain also why these existing public policies should be improved.

The Public Policy = what should the public body do?

Please explain the Public Policy aiming at addressing the issue, solving the problem or reaching the desirable state. A Public Policy is an action by a public body. It typically takes the following form: regulation, taxation, public expenses, or any combination thereof.

Why is the Public Policy in line with the "raison d'être" of the CosmoPolitical Cooperative?

Please explain how this Public Policy complies with the "raison d'être" of the CosmoPolitical Cooperative, namely to strive for the Society of Agreement. Please specify those pillars of the Society of Agreement that are supported by the Public Proposal, and how. Please specify also, if they exist, the pillars of the Society of Agreement that the Public Policy does not aim at. Please explain why you chose not to pursue them in this specific case, the trade-offs that you made, and why you made them.

Why will the Public Policy work?

Please explain why the Public Policy Proposal will be effective in addressing the issue / solving the problem / reaching the desirable state. Please explain also why the effect of the Public Policy is superior to potential unwanted phenomena in the opposite direction.

What are the other positive effects of the Public Policy? What other opportunities does it open?

Please explain other positive effects (= in direction of the common good or of specific interests) of the Public Policy Proposal, which you anticipate, in addition to addressing the issue / solving the problem / helping to reach the desirable state outlined above. These additional positive effects are sometimes referred to as "co-benefits" of the Public Policy. Please explain if the Public Policy opens new, unexpected opportunities for the common good, beyond its immediate purpose. Please justify.

What are the negative effects of the Public Policy?

Please explain the negative effects that you anticipate, but that you accept, of the Public Policy, for the common good or for specific social groups. Please explain if you will compensate for these negative effects, and if so, how.

What are the risks and uncertainties attached to the Public Policy?

Please estimate the nature and the size of uncertainties regarding the consequences of the Public Policy Proposal.

How are the benefits, costs and risks of the Public Policy shared between groups in society?

Please describe the "distributional effects" of the Public Policy Proposal, i.e. how its benefits, costs and risks, will be shared in the population. What social groups will benefit from it or see their risk level decrease? What social groups will incur costs or additional risks?

Quantitatively, what consequences will the Public Policy have?

Please estimate quantitatively the concrete effects of the Public Policy (using an appropriate metric, e.g. educational achievements on the PISA scoreboard). You can use a collaborative spreadsheet such as the one freely provided by the Framacalc service.

Why did you make these choices?

Please explain:

  • why you propose this Public Policy rather than other options,
  • why you consider the budget incomes and anticipated positive effects (problem solving + others) as superior to negative effects and budget costs,
  • why the public body should act now rather than wait to collect more information or than let the situation follow its spontaneous course.